4 step đź’° process

Yesterday I was talking to one of my “translators.” You know, one of those soul mate friends that can see you exactly as you are, but can also give it to you straight? (Those are MY people!)

The thing is… as a Manifesting Generator with a 6 line in my profile, I'm used to getting “wtf did you just say?” looks when I talk about what I'm most passionate about (puppies, Human Design, money, African peanut stew…).

The gift of the 6 line is that we naturally become the authority figure. So when I'm passionate about something I immediately elevate to expert status… And sometimes that means I forget to share the details!

So, with the loving feedback from my friend, I realized I can be even more clear about exactly how The Money Class works! Let me “pare” this whole abundance process down (in a super fun way, of course)…

The process for calling in more abundance boils down to The 4 Step PEAR Process! And I'm going to give you a big bite right now…

The 4-step PEAR Process is a proven way to change your relationship with (and receive MORE) money!

And this process is our guide throughout The Money Class. (You know… that 12 week opportunity to work with me personally to amplify your finances and energy… You've heard about that right?!)

Step 1: PLAY! You'll get the permission slip you've been wondering about and start to live your life like one big, fun, expansive game! And don't worry, I will be your teammate and coach as you start to practice play.

Step 2: ENERGY! Let's pull a page out of my Physics textbook: EVERYTHING IS ENERGY! And when you learn how to play with and leverage all the energies available to you… you expand (and so does your pocket book)! You will learn how to (and be held accountable for) regulating your nervous system, managing your emotions and choosing your perspective to maximize your time in aligned flow.

Step 3: ALIGN! The most exciting thing about this whole game of life and the money and experiences we gather along the way is that we all get something totally different! Because our souls picked out our gifts here in Earth School, we can trust that our desires are meant for us and only us, and we don't have to try to chase after other people's goals. So, in The Money Class, you will get crystal clear on what is YOURS and how to line up with it, so that you can move into Step 4. . .

Step 4: RECEIVE! This is where you get to enjoy all the fruits of your playing, energy and alignment to actually get the experiences you want! Past students of The Money Class were able to receive….

  • A puppy!

  • $700 worth of pool supplies as a gift!

  • $6,000

  • Relief from a binding contract

  • Confidence in managing finances

  • Free airplane tickets!

  • New job offers

  • $1,625

  • A free trip to Hawaii

  • A new car

And you can see even more of what's possible HERE.

The question is…. What are you ready to receive?

If you had the magic wand to shift your relationship with money, and start playing with the universe in a bigger way… What “success text” would you send me?

Because when you start to learn (and enjoy!) the laws of the universe, and follow a proven process (with plenty of guidance along the way)... You get to have it ALL!

The Money Class starts on Monday… and I have a feeling you want to be there!


I love you.


September Energy


What would it be like for money to keep coming to you because it feels safe and loved?