when the universe says, "STOP"
We're moving.
We don't know where we're moving yet. And we're not sure when we're moving. But we know we're moving.
A few weeks ago, when we went off on our camper adventure, we not-so-secretly hoped that we would discover our next location. We even spent a day trying to figure it all out (with our minds).
It didn't work so well. Some aspects of locations felt like huge "YES"es and then others were big fat "NO"s. We felt frustrated.
Pete and I are both Manifesting Generators and frustration is our red flag that we're not following our design. We (Manifesting Generators and Generators) are not designed to figure out our next move. The universe is our personal shopper.
The universe will show us things--new places, people, ideas, smells, tastes, sounds--and our bodies respond to those things. When we light up and feel excited, we're experiencing what's called a "sacral yes" and it's our job to follow that thing.
We will never ever ever figure out our next move with our minds, but because we are awkward humans tripping over our big puppy paws, but we will try. And each time we try, the universe will reward us with the big "wrong way" sign of frustration.
Every energy type has a signature "wrong way" sign.
When manifestors aren't following their design, they will feel angry. That anger typically comes with a feeling of being trapped. And that trapped feeling typically comes from following other people's advice or opinions. When manifestors are aligned with their design, they do what they want when the want.
When projectors aren't following their design, they will feel bitter. That bitterness typically comes from offering unsolicited advice that isn't well received. When projectors are aligned with their design, they create invitations and only offer guidance after they have been invited to do so.
When reflectors aren't following their design, they will feel disappointed. That disappointment typically occurs when they try to define themselves or put themselves in a box. When reflectors are aligned with their design, they recognize that they are totally different in every moment and that their fluidity cannot be contained in a box.
Understanding the alignment and "wrong way" signs of your energy type are just the tip of the Human Design iceberg. When we dig deeper, we discover your purpose, your manifesting style, your optimal environment, a whole treasure chest of gifts and loads more. Give yourself the ultimate permission slip to be you with a Human Design Reading.
P.S. It's time for our August energy update with Amy White. Listen here, on Spotify or on Apple Podcasts.
P.P.S. Things that are bringing me so much joy right now: my highlighter yellow shorts, Siri's Australian accent and getting to watch two friends get engaged
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