“Don’t Know, But It Will” with Amy White

“There’s no scorekeeper in the sky.” - Amy White

Has time felt like it has sped up for you recently? You’re not alone. Time is feeling really elastic at the moment, and that’s all part of the energy right now according to Amy White. She’s back on the podcast this week to talk about how we’re shifting into a more elastic structure that will allow us to gain more balance and greater flexibility than we have experienced in the past. We’re shifting toward measuring progress based on internal markers and not external signposts. We don’t know what or how it’s going to shift exactly, but we don’t really need to know—it will shift and change anyways. Listen in for the lessons the Greater Consciousness wants us to learn at this time.

Book a Human Design Reading with Kelsey here. 

Email Kelsey to co-create your own coaching adventure at kelsey@kelseyabbott.com

Book Coaching with Kelsey here

Access the MG Master Class, the Emotional Authority Master Class + the 4/6 Profile Master Class here

Get on-demand core classes with Kelsey here.

Access Kelsey’s meditation library here.

Get your free Human Design chart here.

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Find Amy online at https://www.amywhite.co

See her pole dancing on Instagram @amyonthepole 

She’s @mzamywhite on Instagram

Listen to the past year’s worth of Amy’s Find Your Awesome Podcast episodes here.


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