Spiritual Awakenings with Christina Lopes

“When you are born with gifts and talents and passions that are imbued in you, that your soul just wants you to have, it’s never a good idea to shut the door to them.” - Christina Lopes


Christina Lopes is a heart alchemist. She’s also a life coach, healer, spiritual teacher, and former clinician. She helps clients with their spiritual awakening and with opening up and healing their hearts. We talk about the choices we make early in life to close the door on our gifts, and how that can come back to create challenges for us later in life. And how everyone on this planet is going through an awakening right now. She offers some tips on how to get grounded amidst this intense energy our world is going through right now, and about how to slow down and relearn how to live, including learning to embrace the rising feminine energy. There’s a lot of great stuff in this episode—we even touch on numerology. Enjoy!

“The Universe never wastes anything.” - Christina Lopes

“There is so much more to life than what we live in the day to day.”
- Christina Lopes

“We don’t have to leave our bodies to be enlightened; enlightenment is found right here in these 40 trillion cells that every day communicate with you and actually keep you alive.” - Christina Lopes

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Email Kelsey to co-create your own coaching adventure at kelsey@kelseyabbott.com

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Find Christina on her YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristinaLopes

Learn more about her at www.christinalopes.com 


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