Playing Human Design Again with Jessie Klein
“Human Design is a trust exercise, but as you start leaning into it, then you gain your own testimony. You start to gain evidence of how it’s working in your life. And then your mind starts to release that control a little at a time.”
- Jessie Klein
Jessie Klein and I are at it again, nerding out on all things Human Design. This is Jessie’s third time on The Find Your Awesome Podcast. You’ll find links to her previous episodes below. Once again we cover a lot of ground in this free-wheeling discussion about process, motivation and learning to lean into our Designs. Enjoy!
“Human Design is designed to get us out of our minds and into our bodies. Yet it’s a system that is so intellectual and intriguing and heady that sometimes it does the opposite. I catch myself all the time, saying ‘No Jessie, get out of your head. This isn’t about knowing all the small details. It’s about listening to your spleen.’”
- Jessie Klein
“As a physical therapist for years, I felt like I had to focus on everything that's wrong. But with Human Design I get to focus on everything that's right.”
- Jessie Klein
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