September Energy

Are you ready for Fall??!

It's my favorite--apples, apple cider, cider donuts, pumpkin everything, those smells-like-fall-feels-like-summer days and my birthday! Ahhh… how's that energy feel for you?

Our natural environment changes so deeply during this time, and to stay in alignment, we humans must change with it.

The month of September is the time to come back to yourself. Release energy that is no longer yours. And welcome the energy that IS yours.

This is how we stay in alignment.

Each one of us is here to be our sparkliest self ever. That means operating from our very own energy and letting other people's energy go.

Let me clarify that a bit. Your job is to take care of your physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health so you can be the best you you can be. And from that super sparkly place, you own and share your unique gifts.

And then what happens?

You change the world.

Easy peasy.

We're halfway through September. How are you feeling the pull to come back to yourself?

If you haven't listened to the September energy update with Amy White yet, listen here.

I'll leave you with this gem straight from Amy's face hole: “There is an infinite amount of fun—an infinite amount of play, or resources, of abundance in whatever way we want it in our lives.” - Amy White

I love you.


your soul is trying to speak to you


4 step 💰 process