Because there IS another way and it's filled with ease, abundance, and fun

I've been helping people be better for years now. I've seen so many people look outside themselves, try to follow the “rules,” struggle, suffer and live lives where they don't feel like they're good enough and are always a little bit miserable…

…and I'm so not okay with that.

I want people to see the light and beauty I see in them. I want people to remember the magic that has always been in them. I want them to be madly in love with themselves, with life, and the magic of the universe.

I want to support people as they grow and expand to be the human their soul wants them to be. I want them to surprise themselves with their own power and brilliance.

That's why I LOVE coaching.

And that's why I created the coaching program, the one that so many of you have blossomed in.

I put together a little Q&A to make it easier for you to understand my coaching program:

Who is my 1:1 coaching for?

✨People who want to live in alignment with their human design so they can become true conscious creators of their lives and amplify their ease, joy, and abundance. My clients are coaches, entrepreneurs, and multi-passionate humans who are experienced with personal development work and are ready for the next step.

What problem does it solve?

✨The I-know-this-can-be-better problem. My clients don't buy the idea that there's one "right" way to do things. They know there's gotta be another way. There's gotta be an easier way to get fully aligned with life, uplevel relationships, optimize their health, maximize their vitality and make their businesses, careers, and life super sparkly. (pssst... there is.)

Why did you create it?

✨Because there IS another way and it's filled with ease, abundance, and fun.

What differentiates it from similar offerings in this industry?

✨It's not just coaching and it's not just human design. And it's not just human design coaching. I use Human Design, The Gene Keys, energy healing, coaching, meditation, Feng Shui, intuitive guidance, and neuroscience-backed practices to help people clear all of their conditioning so they can live in true alignment with their soul blueprint. Because every human is unique, every coaching relationship is unique.

I hope that helps you understand a little more about what goes on behind the scenes in my world. I love what I do and I love being on this journey with all of you.

I love you.


Every penny you find is a high five from the universe


going against what we “should” do