Every penny you find is a high five from the universe

When you read the word “money,” how does that feel in your body?


“Soooo much stress…”


Or maybe, like me, reading the word “money” makes you feel giddy.

That's okay if you're not there yet, don't force it. It will happen.

Money doesn't always like it when you plan. Money doesn't like to be forced.

Why is that? Because money doesn't come from just one source.

My client Hanna went through our most recent round of The Money Class. Before she started the class, she was focused on receiving money through a single door. But money, like you and me, doesn't love being told it has to do things in one specific way. Money loves to play.

She was working so hard to control where her money came from instead of letting it flow toward her. And once she started letting go of control, opportunities started popping up everywhere!

Here's what she said:

“Money loves when you're grateful for those 11 cents.”

Yesssss. Hanna used to step right over change she found in a parking lot, but then she realized that it was money's playful style of bringing her delightful surprises. Friend, money loves to surprise you too. Open your mind to possibilities, open your heart to gratitude and open your eyes to money winking at you from the most unlikely places.

Every penny you find is a high five from the universe.

Turn your feeling of “control” over money into curiosity. And ask yourself, what is your real intention with money? What is enough?

If you missed our last Money Class, we'll be doing it again soon! Add yourself to the waitlist HERE.

Here's some of what we went over in our last class:

✨Embracing stewardship instead of ownership.

✨Releasing the beliefs that are no longer serving you

✨Having an abundance vs. a scarcity mindset

✨Allowing money (and life) to be fun

✨How to follow your Human Design strategy and authority

✨Regulating your nervous system to maximize your time in the flow

Open up more doors for your money to flow through. Get giddy with it!

I love you.


Beliefs can be changed


Because there IS another way and it's filled with ease, abundance, and fun