going against what we “should” do

We have a 4-month-old puppy named Zumi. We're deep in puppy-training mode right now and our neighbors probably think we're having constant parties.

Why? Because Pete and I decided to not train in the demure way most dog trainers teach puppy parents to train.

Instead of using a clicker, finger snap, or a quiet, “good job”, we are in a constant state of celebration. Anytime Zumi does something positive, he gets a boisterous:




And I invite you to do the same. Even the “what a good boy/girl” part!

That small chore you put off all last week but finished today? YAY!!

Did you go outside for a walk to clear your mind instead of just pushing through hoping for the best? OH MY GOODNESS!!

You finally invested in yourself after months of putting it off? WHAT A GOOD HUMAN!!

Don't be quiet when you do something positive. Celebrate and make your neighbors think you're having constant parties.

Get loud. Get boisterous. Get excited.

I love you.

Love, Kelsey

P.S. Have you taken a peek at our shop yet? We have guided meditations to use whenever you want! They'll help you clear out your energy, train your focus, amplify your sparkle and get you ready to finish this beautiful week out strong & sparkly AF ✨💫✨💫


Because there IS another way and it's filled with ease, abundance, and fun


I saw Santa!