Beliefs can be changed

When I was a teenager, I had some really incredible jobs. They were babysitting jobs but not just any babysitting jobs…

These were babysitting jobs in beautiful homes, on amazing oceanfront properties. Everyone who lived there was extremely wealthy.

There's one family in particular that I remember the most. The kids were amazingly sweet, loving, and so much fun. Their parents were all of the above too.

Sounds like every teenage babysitter's dream, doesn't it?

I really was so lucky to be surrounded by very wealthy and very grounded humans who did so much good in the world.

But, As amazing as that was…

I was also a teenager. And so were my peers.

They would make snarky comments about all the rich people. They saw them as “other.”

I had these amazing models for wealth, and yet I had a deep desire to belong. So I did what a lot of teenagers do…

I absorbed the emotions and beliefs of my peers.

Instead of viewing these wonderful wealthy humans as potential mentors who could teach me how to one day have an oceanfront property while being generous to others, I started seeing them as "other" as well.

You may have experienced something similar. Beliefs are super contagious, and we often don't realize we've picked them up until we feel a disconnect between how we want to feel and how we actually feel.

Maybe you were someone who grew up with adults speaking negatively about people who had an abundance of money because they didn't have the same abundance.

Or maybe you yourself developed beliefs that “money is evil” because abundance was not flowing to you with ease.

Do you know what's so fun about beliefs?

💫 Beliefs can be changed 💫

If a belief is no longer serving you, you have full permission to change that belief.

I once believed money was evil and no good came from it. I now believe money is fun, playful and something to be excited about. You can experience the same shift too.

I love you.


What the eff is Human Design?


Every penny you find is a high five from the universe