What the eff is Human Design?

So, you've heard me talk about Human Design on podcasts, in emails, and just about every chance I get. It's no secret that I love it.


What the eff is Human Design?

Human Design is a system that allows us to see the blueprint our souls chose for us before we were born. Once we understand that blueprint, we can use Human Design to help us become the conscious creators of our most amazing life.

Human Design combines 4 ancient systems (Astrology, Chakra System, The I Ching and the Kabbalah Tree of Life) with a bunch of stuff described by Quantum Physics.

The result is a unique blueprint for every single soul on this planet.

How cool is that?!? Oh my goodness, I get so excited about all of this.

I'm more than four years into my own Human Design experiment and I want to share some of the gifts it has brought me so far:

⭐️ HD calls me to own my gifts: intuition, leadership, helping others through emotional and spiritual experiences, to name a few. (Holy Moly, my soul actually picked this stuff out for me!)

⭐️ HD allows me to own my preferences -- I like to sit with my back against a wall, please. (Thank you caves environment!)

⭐️ HD helps me confidently give myself 24 hours to make big decisions -- honoring my Emotional Authority feels like using my secret superpowers.

I think the biggest thing about HD is it gives you permission to flow through life in your own unique way. Every single one of us was made for ease, joy and abundance. And by living in alignment with our design, we get to welcome it all in.

So, now that you know what the eff Human Design is, are you excited to learn more and experience how it can help you take your life from good to AMAZING?

Human Design is a huge piece of the work I do with my private clients. We also do a bunch of mindset and energy work to help you live the life of your dreams. If this work calls to you, book a free 30-minute call with me HERE.

I love you.


P.S. The Money Class is starting again soon! This 12-week adventure is here to help you transform your relationship with money. Please, if this class sounds exciting to you, grab your spot on the WAITLIST.


everything is changing


Beliefs can be changed