everything is changing

You're here!

Your soul chose for you to be in Earth School at this very moment. And here you are on this planet in that beautiful human body at this incredible time. 

You signed up for this! How marvelously magical is that?

Let me define this "incredible time." Human Design says that we're entering a new paradigm in 2027. 

From 1610 to 2026, the vibe on the planet has been all about building institutions, keeping the tribe together and forming community. Think about it: Nations have been built during this time, governments have been created, global institutions have been created to help us all work together.

In 2027, the vibe will shift. In this new paradigm, we will embrace the truths that every individual is worthy and powerful. We will recognize that no one is ahead of (or behind) anyone else. We will enjoy limitless thinking and what we think about will manifest into reality super fast. 

Listen: no one will be flipping a switch on New Year's Day of 2027. We are gradually transitioning into this new way of being--and as we're getting closer, we're feeling it more and more. (Maybe you noticed that things have been a bit different the past few years.)

As we transition, we'll need to ditch the beliefs that work has to be "hard," that we have to struggle and that we have to earn things to be "worthy." Are you willing to release those old thoughts?

I covered all of this in a bit more detail in a recent podcast episode. Listen to "Evolving Toward The New Paradigm" HERE.

I love you.


P.S. I have some open time slots on my calendar. If you want to talk about how this affects YOUR Human Design, please click HERE and grab the best time that works for you. I'm excited to be on this adventure with you!


pulling off the snakeskin...


What the eff is Human Design?