This energy can either support or challenge us, depending on how we use it

Do you think of yourself as a sponge? Someone who soaks up the energy of your environment and the people around you? 

This energy can either support or challenge us, depending on how we use it.

If you surround yourself with positive people and a supportive environment, you'll absorb positive energy that can help you feel playful, free and fulfilled.

On the other hand, if you surround yourself with negative people and a toxic environment, you'll absorb negative energy that can hold you back and make you feel stuck.

Have you felt both before?

By being in tune with the energy you absorb, you can align yourself with the people and experiences that will help you live your best life.


This is what happens when you surround yourself with positive, supportive and playful energy. Look

P.S. By signing up to be a part of the next round of The Money Class: Unlocking YOUR Money Magic, you'll surround yourself with other amazing humans who will help you amplify your abundance. We rise together!


P.S. Learn more about the Money class and experience the magic here! We start March 28th!

If you have more questions about this class, book a 20-minute call with me to see if this is a right fit for you.


want an incredible relationship with your inner critic? here's how.


do you have emotional authority?