pulling off the snakeskin...

When Zumi was 12 weeks old, he found a freshly-shed snakeskin in our yard. Of course, he did what any puppy would do–he put it in his mouth.


As I pulled the large, intact skin out of his mouth, I fought the heebie jeebies and wondered what kind of snake left this gift for us. (Was it a nope rope?) At the same time, I couldn't ignore the symbolism. We are growing. We are expanding. And like the snake, we shed everything that is no longer serving us.


With the snakeskin safely out of Zumi's mouth, I thanked the universe for this powerful reminder. Then I saw the snake–a beautiful, big, safe, black racer–as it slid back under the hedge.

Phew! All humans and puppies were safe. I could now shift my focus to the gifts that snake symbolism brings us. Snakes represent healing and the divine feminine. They are a symbol of rebirth and a reminder to trust our intuition.


To me, seeing a fresh snake skin represents personal evolution.


Shedding what is no longer serving you.


We humans shed our skin all the time. It just doesn't come off like a snake's skin does (thank goodness!).


You are no longer the same person you were 1, 2, 5, or 10 years ago. (I am no longer the same person I was either.) And even though we don't actually see our skin peeling off our bodies, we are shedding what is no longer serving us, all the time.


This brings me to my lovely client Karen. She's now able to use her HD superpowers to release her shedding skin and follow what lights her up.


I love you.

Love, Kelsey


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