your soul picked out YOUR birthday

I wasn’t due to make my Earth-side appearance until Halloween at the earliest.

My mom’s doctor was preparing to take a vacation and wanted to talk about the “what ifs” while he was away.

So, on October 10th, my mom went to go see him to talk logistics.

No one was worried about my mom going into labor while he was away because, like I said, I wasn’t due for another couple of weeks!

What they didn’t realize at the time, was that my body had (and still has) its own timing and didn’t (still doesn’t) like to be told when to do anything (thank you Gate 5).

Especially on a day that my soul picked out for ME.

🎈My soul chose to come to Earth early. Almost 3 weeks early. And at 12:28pm on October 11th, I arrived Earth-side.🎈

I’ve always loved my birthday, but knowing my soul picked October 11th for ME makes me love my birthday even more.

And your soul picked out YOUR birthday. You didn’t just arrive here by chance.

Your soul chose to come here on the specific day at the specific time you did. That’s why your specific Human Design is so specific to YOU. (Don’t have your chart? Get it from me HERE!)

Cool, right??

And because the day you came here is SO special and is a time to be celebrated, you have full permission to take your birthday off, celebrate everything. Celebrate you and your soul.

What day did your soul choose for you to come to Earth? Send me an email and let me know! 🎉

I love you.

P.S. Reminder that I'm offering mini Human Design Readings this month to support Little Bear Animal Sanctuary! A huge portion of the payment from each mini reading will go towards this special sanctuary, which was destroyed in the hurricane. Book your mini Human Design Reading here.


how I met my husband (it was not love at first sight)


Now that my cup is overflowing, it's time to give.