how to change your relationship with money

Do you know your Human Design energy type? You’ll want to know it before diving into this email. If you don’t have yours, grab your free Human Design chart HERE to find out which type your soul chose for you.

There are 5 energy types in Human Design:





💫Manifesting Generators

Each one of these types has a very unique relationship with money:

⭐Projectors & Money⭐

Projectors, you're really great at guiding the rest of us, but you need to wait for an invitation to give someone advice. That doesn't mean you have to sit on your couch all day and wait for an invitation. Your job is to really truly see yourself. When you see yourself, you will light up like a lighthouse and people will ask for your guidance--and bring the abundance to you.

⭐Generators & Money⭐

Generators, just because you can do it, or you were asked to do it, doesn’t mean you have to do it. If an opportunity comes to you, check in with yourself. See if your body feels excited or bummed and then decide. Be brave enough to say "no" to the "not this" to make space for the "THIS!"

⭐Reflectors & Money⭐

Reflectors, you are fluid beings. Don't put yourself in a box or try to conform to a label. Own your fluidity and, as you flow, abundance will flow too.

⭐Manifestors & Money⭐

Manifestors, you are designed to do the damn thing. Don't ask anyone's permission or opinion. Instead, own your power and follow your urge. You're a mother-effing Manifestor!

⭐Manifesting Generators & Money⭐

Manifesting Generators, you are here to play! So play, play, play, follow the fun and allow abundance to flow right to you.

Neat stuff right??

I love you.


P.S. Join the WAITLIST for my upcoming money class where we’ll dive in deeper on HD, coaching, and how to use what your soul chose for you to live in abundance.


i'm not here for boxes


pulling off the snakeskin...