i'm not here for boxes

Boxes and I have never gotten along.

Boxes are used to control things. When something is packed in a box, it can't wiggle; it can't flow; it can't stretch; it can't touch and feel and interact with the greater world.


When we’re younger, most humans are put into boxes. We’re told what we should and shouldn’t be doing as little humans.

Sometimes that box can be helpful. The box can keep little ones safe so as to not run out into a busy street or touch a very hot stovetop while food is being cooked.

But that box can also be unhelpful. That box can limit dreams, minimize inspiration and squish joy. We are here in Earth School to expand. And boxes limit our expansion.

I’m here to tell you that you can be good at lots of things, and you can play in all of them. I'm also here to tell you that you're allowed to quit things that don't light you up--even if you're really good at those things. You are here to be lit up. you are here to be excited. You are here to be madly in love with your life. That’s the joy of being here on this Earth! You don't have to limit yourself to one thing--you can do all the things!

Throughout my life, people have tried to put me in boxes. It hasn't gone so well--for them. 

They even tried to label my un-box-able-ness. I was called a "rebel," a "maverick." and a "free spirit." The truth is I am me. And all of my free-spirited, rebellious, maverick-ness is right there in my Human Design chart.

I’m not here to:

❌Follow any rules.

❌Limit my expansion.

❌Stick labels on myself or others.

I’m here to:

💥Choose and carve my own path in life.

💥Bounce from thing to thing as I wish.

💥Play in the light and flow endlessly.


I love you.



P.S. Are you feeling like you’re stuck in a box, not able to see the light to play outside of it? I can help you find the light. Find a time on my calendar HERE so we can open your box and play outside 💫☀️




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