I got kicked out of music class

Did you also have to learn the recorder in elementary school? Oh my goodness

I had a recorder phase in 5th grade. I tried, I reeeeally tried, to learn it. Turned out, I was terrible. The rest of the class was tweet tweet tweeting so perfectly and I was honking like a duck. Nothing I did seemed to make the noise coming out of that stick sound the way it was supposed to.

And they kicked me out of music class because of it. Not because I had terrible music skills. 

They kicked me out for not trying.

Rude. I was trying…

For my entire life, I’ve wanted to tell everyone, “We’re all unique and there are millions of ways to do things.”

Before I discovered Human Design, I tried following the rules. I tried putting myself in a box and sticking a label on myself like everyone said to do.

But then I decided enough was enough.

When the world said, “Kelsey, you have to do it this way.”

I said, "No, I don’t."

Human Design helped remind me of what I always felt:
We are all unique
Our souls know the perfect way for us to do things
I'm allowed to be myself--We're all allowed to be ourselves
We really do have all the answers within us
Letting go of the "good" stuff makes room for the "great" stuff

That last one has been huge in my life and business. It's a little bit scary to release the good stuff every time, but I have learned to trust like a mofo. And every time I trust, the great stuff blows me away with its awesomeness.

I love you.


P.S. Our shop is full of magic! Please, go play around inside of it! Come on in!


I use science, spirituality and play to help people relax into their true essence so they can experience more ease, joy and abundance. I love the power of 1:1 work. Book a free 15-minute call with me here to see if we're a good fit.

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I'm just going to say it