I'm just going to say it

So, remember when I had that “divine download” a couple of months ago? And followed the call to open up the very first Money Class?

I am blown away by what’s been happening, and I realized something:

I love money.

Before we move on, are you ok with talking about money? And can we agree not to be super awkward about it?

I love money. I didn't always. I used to resent money, and that didn't work so well for me. I tried ignoring money, but that wasn't particularly helpful either. Once I shifted from being grossed out by money and embraced it as a playful friend, however, it really started flowing all around me.

With anything in our lives, the more we push something away, the more space it takes up in our minds and souls. It just hangs out in the shadows so we don’t realize it’s there. But it’s there. And it’s causing more harm than good.

If we continue letting our negative beliefs about money hang out there, money won’t want to play with us. No one likes to be shut out, and money is no exception!

I invite you to think about your beliefs with money.

✨How does it feel in your body when you receive money? (Where do you feel it in your body?) Notice if you contract or expand…or both.

✨How does it feel in your body when you give money? (Where do you feel it in your body?) What emotions come up for you when money flows from you to another person or company?

✨If money wore human clothes, what would it wear? 

Let’s keep money less stiff and more flowy. The more flowy you are with money, the more it will want to be around you.

Now, back to playing with Zumi who is currently bopping around the living room with his floppy giraffe. In other words, Zumi, just like money, is playful and fun! 

I love you.


P.S. Have you listened to my podcast recently? I have a new episode every Thursday. Take the sparkle you get from these episodes and bring it into your weekend ✨
The Find Your Awesome Podcast



I use science, spirituality and play to help people relax into their true essence so they can experience more ease, joy and abundance. I love the power of 1:1 work. Book a free 15-minute call with me here to see if we're a good fit.

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I got kicked out of music class


sometimes soul expansion is sole expansion