What time is it?

People come from hundreds of miles away to see the bald eagle nest in a nearby state park. We are lucky enough to walk by that nest every single day and we were even luckier to see one of the baby eagles take its first flight ever.

Something you may not know about eagles is that it’s really a pass or fail for whether they are able to take flight. And only 40% of baby bald eagles fledge successfully.

If they can successfully fly, they pass.
If that first flight isn’t successful, they fail.

As humans, that would put a lot of pressure and stress on our bodies and our minds.

Just knowing the time is coming to take flight and that it's literally a life or death test would destroy most humans. Ugh.. so stressful.

But not for these majestic creatures.

Eagles don’t know what time it is. They’re not in their nest thinking, “I have to take flight before dinner, I better hurry up!”

They go with the flow. Literally. They go with their instinct on when to take flight. 

The universe lets them know when they’re ready. Their bodies let them know when they're ready. They're not forcing it.

The same is actually true for humans: The universe and our bodies are always telling us when we're ready. But we have this very human-y tendency of trying to micromanage the universe by trying to force ourselves to be ready. We don't have to force it. We get to flow.

I spoke about this on my podcast episode with the wonderful Ginny Gane and she said something that I want to share with you:

“You don’t have to force action, and you can still be successful.” - Ginny Gane

I love you.


P.S. If you want to listen to the full episode with glowing Ginny Gane, here’s the link for you
Doing Life (and Business) Differently with Ginny Gane


I use science, spirituality and play to help people relax into their true essence so they can experience more ease, joy and abundance. I love the power of 1:1 work. Book a free 15-minute call with me here to see if we're a good fit.

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I got kicked out of music class