I just had one of those shout from the rooftops, ILOVEMYLIFE moments.

I was out walking through our wooded trails with my husband and my cute pup. The trees were nice enough to shade us from the sunlight when we needed them and everything smelled so good!


After our walk, I played in a gorgeous 50-meter pool for my swim workout—outside in the sunshine. I remember when I used to dream of sunshine swims where I could see palm trees while I'm feeling strong and fast in the water. Now it's my norm.


Oh and at the end of my swim, I got to help an 82-year-old with his start off the blocks and have an amazing conversation.


After I got out of the pool, I got on a call with an amazing client and got to spend my time coaching her. Both of our energies flowed into each other to make major transformations in the short time we spent together.


Acupuncture was next, to rejuvenate my body in ways the hike and swim could not. It's a time for me to relax and receive, letting the little pings do their work.

I really love the life I am living.

When was the last time you had an ILOVEMYLIFE moment? Hit reply to share it with me, please!

My amazing client Jaclyn recently described how it feels to live ILOVEMYLIFE moment after ILOVEMYLIFE moment.

“Old, uncomfortable patterns feel like they're falling away and everything feels different in a good way. I was out for a walk and I was in this amazing mood and I just kept thinking, “I really get to be this happy? Just like that? For no real reason? Really?” And it's sinking in to the point where now, I think it would feel so weird to expect anything different than that.” - Jaclyn Wallace

You deserve to experience ILOVEMYLIFE moment after ILOVEMYLIFE moment every day of your life. You deserve to wake up every morning excited to put your feet down on the ground and discover the delightful surprises that await you. You deserve to live a life overflowing with love, joy, ease, and abundance. You deserve to live a life that feels like all day every day.

I love you.

P.S. Are you coming to my Money Class Open House?? It's on August 29th from 4-5pm EST! This is a FUN, free event. Bring your excitement and your curiosity and come ready to play.

P.P.S. Here's Zumi and his humongous paws to bring a little more love and happiness into your life, like he brings into mine

P.P.P.S. This episode of my Podcast can help you find that sparkle in your life and hold tight to it.


let's start money-festing…


i'm not here for boxes