Meet Ariana

I want to introduce you to Ariana. Ariana, like so many humans, was feeling stuck. Stuck in her job, stuck in her mind, and stuck in life.

We became Facebook friends after I taught a mastermind group she was in about Human Design. Maybe a year later, I got an intuitive nudge to invite her to join my email list (I wasn't even sure who she was or how I knew her at the time).

During our time together, she activated her own unique magic and realigned with her soul's blueprint. She became a mentoring client of mine, quit her job, and started her own Human Design business and podcast, both called Just Follow Joy.

Please, read a little bit of the love note she wrote about our time together:

“As soon as I first met Kelsey, I knew I had to work with her. I booked a session with her because I was ready to leave my job, and thank GOD I did because it gave me such clear direction, confidence, and peace I needed to make the leap and trust that the universe would have my back.

After our session, it was like I had just
released the PURE MAGIC in myself that was waiting to come out. I’m a writer, and I had been facing fear and writer’s block (plus feeling stuck in general) - but soon after talking to Kelsey, I started to create some of my best content with ultimate ease. PLUS, incredible synchronicities started showing up for me.
 - Ariana Dokhanchy

You have everything you need inside of you, sometimes it’s just hiding.

May the rest of your day be filled with love + ease
I love you.


P.S. If you feel like you need some clear direction, confidence, and peace, I’m here for you. Schedule a 1:1 call to see what working together might mean for you HERE.


I use science, spirituality and play to help people relax into their true essence so they can experience more ease, joy and abundance. I love the power of 1:1 work. Book a free 15-minute call with me here to see if we're a good fit.

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The Find Your Awesome Podcast
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I saw Santa!


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