Now that my cup is overflowing, it's time to give.

We didn't come here to be aligned all the time. We came here to find alignment again and again and again. Being in alignment is like balancing on a balance beam. Sometimes we're walking, dancing, cartwheeling and flipping in total alignment; other times we fall off. And then we get back up. It's the act of getting back into alignment that is the practice.

And there is nothing like a Cat 4 hurricane to blow you right off that balance beam.

Hurricane Ian knocked me off my beam. And I did all the things to get myself back up there. I took care of myself mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I grounded into my body and fed my soul. I took care of myself and my pack. And I'm back on the beam with an overflowing cup of sparkle.

Now that my cup is overflowing, it's time to give.

We're here to give from the overflow. The full cup--the whole thing--is for you. The overflow is for others.

So, for the month of October, I'm going to offer mini Human Design Readings. A huge portion of the payment from each mini reading will go towards Little Bear Animal Sanctuary, which was destroyed in the hurricane. (Some of the funds may also go to other local recovery efforts. There's a lot of cleanup and support needed right down the street from us.)

Book your mini Human Design Reading here.

I love you.



Sparkles the cow says, "thank you."


your soul picked out YOUR birthday


your soul is trying to speak to you