your soul is trying to speak to you

Do you trust yourself enough to listen to your soul's whispers?

Listen closely. Is your soul saying, "we don't like this, please stop doing it" or "this is awesome! more please!"

We've all been taught to use our HEADS to make decisions. But our heads are just for decoration (and word problems). Our wisdom lives in our bodies.

Before my client Susie came to me, she couldn't figure out why her job was draining her. She didn't know why she came home exhausted every day when her job wasn't all that chaotic.

She knew that teaching yoga lit her up and she knew that being outside in nature fed her soul so much, but she wasn't giving herself permission to listen to those whispers.

She didn't know her soul was telling her, “yes, please do more of this,”because she had never learned to trust her inner voice.”

My biggest takeaway from my reading was Validation-Validation that my inner voice was right all along! It was so exciting to feel this way! So many things in my life now made sense! My reading with Kelsey instantly gave me more confidence to trust myself and to follow what feels “right” for me.

I am currently phasing out of my pressure-filled job and working to be my own boss! I have a new perspective on relationships, and who and what truly lights me up. I am looking forward to signing up for my next session.
-Susie Normadin

Do you hear your inner voice trying to tell you what it needs? But still don't truly trust in yourself to listen and execute on it?

How TF do you start trusting your gut instincts? And how do you start setting boundaries, to protect your soul's deepest desires??

That's where it's pretty darn handy to have a Human Design Coach on your side. If you feel called to finally lean in and trust yourself, I would love to help you.

Book a free call with me HERE so we can talk about what working with me would look like for YOU.

I love you.

P.S. Here is a picture of Zumi & me trusting ourselves and living in our alignment 💞


Now that my cup is overflowing, it's time to give.


September Energy