Communal Healing with Manuela Welton

“My work is your work, and your work is our work. And our work is our bigger work.”
-Manuela Welton

I’m so excited to introduce you to Manuela Welton! Manuela has dedicated her life to exploring the connectivity between humans through ritual and healing. Born with incredible sensitivities, she believes humans are naturally born empaths and is committed to guiding those she works with towards a deeper understanding of themselves and the world. Her immersions in different cultures, in 44 countries over the last decade, has informed her approach to renewing connection to spirit and opening the higher self.

Manuela has spent the last fifteen years immersed in dedicated study in different healing modalities ranging from shamanistic studies, intuitive touch, psychic ability, crystal healing, aromatherapy, mediumship, dance and movement therapy, Reiki and Craniosacral therapy. Her wisdom runs deep and her light spreads wide. Enjoy this powerful conversation—and make sure you listen all the way to the end for a big announcement from Manuela.

“Nobody has it all together.”
- Manuela Welton

“We’re all gifted. What we don’t know is how it looks for each of us.”
- Manuela Welton

“The biggest work we can do is to actually integrate what we’re learning and what we’re feeling. When we integrate it we’re actually bringing it forth into the experience.”
- Manuela Welton

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