Healing, Distractions and Miracles with Tina and Kelsey


“When you see someone suffering, there’s a part of you that says ‘Oh I want to take that from them. I want to take that for them. I can handle it. Just give them a break, please.’ And as beautiful and loving as that is, it doesn’t actually help the person heal.”
- Kelsey  

Makai (my soul dog) is so filled with wisdom and unconditional love. Through a recent health scare, he taught me so much more—and inspired this episode. Join Tina Olsen and me as we share Makai’s wisdom, talk about true healing, miracles, distractions and “negotiating with the terrorist of hard.” There is so much heart energy in this conversation. I hope you feel it.

“When we are whole in ourselves, people are relieved to be around us. We feel like a breath of fresh air, we feel like an exhale. Because there’s not this dissonance that we are navigating between who we know them to be and who they are presenting themselves as.”
- Tina

“I was negotiating with the terrorist of ‘hard.’”
- Tina  

“You're supposed to feel totally lifted up by the universe and by everyone in your life.”
- Kelsey

“Far be it from us to judge what in other people’s lives is really really healthily helping them expand into their greatest potential, and what is distracting them from their dharma and their soul’s path. But it can be really easy to try to judge it from the outside.”
- Tina

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